Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve!!

Tonight's the night! If you celebrate Christmas in any way, shape, or form then you'd better get ready for Santa and presents!! Even if you don't celebrate the religious aspect of this holiday, you can at least appreciate the decorations and lights. :)


Everyone celebrates Christmas a little differently. So if you'd like, share your traditions in the comments!! My family is mostly German, so we have our own set of traditions mixed in with some German ones. We used to open our presents on Christmas Eve, but nowadays we wait for Santa and open them on Christmas morning. We have a big dinner and lots of sweets like clementines, pies, candy canes, egg nog... and Mom's favorite Pfeffernüsse cookies!! We hang stockings and put up Christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving. Our presents are already under the tree. Santa's will come tomorrow!! We eat a big Christmas dinner around noon on Christmas day and leave our decorations up until New Years. 


For fun, here's a link to a site to look up traditions from around the world! Christmas Around the World


Merry Christmas Eve!!!

♥ Sam
christmas is coming

Monday, December 20, 2010


Tonight's eclipse only happens every 372 years or so, falling on the Winter Solstice. This last happened when the pilgrims came around in the 1600s!! Make sure if you can stay up that you do, or you'll miss an even that won't happen until at least 2382!


Hopefully where you live is clear tonight, because where I am we have some wispy clouds making everything fuzzy!!! Grab your telescopes and your binoculars and hot cocoa and get out there!

♥ Sam

Astro Fun Tomorrow Night!!

Hello all! Schedule a friendly party on the night of the 20th-21st! It's the time of the total lunar eclipse!! Have a group bundled up with some blankets, hot cocoa, and treats while you wait. Make sure you bring your telescopes and binoculars! Cameras too! You can watch this eclipse with your naked eye, so even if you lack equipment, you won't miss out!! Be prepared to stay up late the farther east you live in the US.

The times for the eclipse are here:

Eastern US: 
Start of the Partial Eclipse (Prenumbral Shadow): 1:32 am Dec 21
Start of the Total Eclipse (Umbral Shadow): 2:40 am Dec 21
End of Total: 3:53 am  End of Partial: 5:01 am

Central US:
Start of the Partial Eclipse (Prenumbral Shadow): 12:32 am Dec 21
Start of the Total Eclipse (Umbral Shadow): 1:40 am Dec 21
End of Total: 2:53 am  End of Partial: 4:01 am

Mountain US:
Start of the Partial Eclipse (Prenumbral Shadow): 11:32 pm Dec 20
Start of the Total Eclipse (Umbral Shadow): 12:40 am Dec 21
End of Total: 1:53 am  End of Partial: 3:01 am

Pacific US:
Start of the Partial Eclipse (Prenumbral Shadow): 10:32 pm Dec 20
Start of the Total Eclipse (Umbral Shadow): 11:40 pm Dec 20
End of Total: 12:53 am  End of Partial: 2:01 am


The colour of the moon will change the more of the Earth that passes between it and the Sun. It can change from yellow to orange to red to maroon, even black! Make sure you take extra care as you watch, you may catch another fantastic astro-phenomenon: meteors. The Ursids meteor shower peaks on December 21st, so you may catch a glimpse of a few shooting stars during the eclipse. The extra dark will help faint stars show better, bright stars shine super bright, and make meteors easier to spot!!


This will help you spot the Ursids, just look for the Little Dipper and keep your eyes peeled. Helps to adjust to the dark well beforehand. Avoid bright lights, lights from cell phones, etc. Red light is safe to keep your eyes adjusted, so tape some red cellophane over a flashlight in case you need a little help in the dark.

Happy Stargazing!!

♥ Sam

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Look to the Skies!!

So I hope you all caught the meteor shower on the 13th - the Geminids. I've been too caught up in finals to remember to remind you all! :) Sorry sorry. Look out for a total lunar eclipse on the 20th/21st over the Americas. Those of you in the US and Canada can see a total lunar eclipse around midnight or so, depending on where you live. I'll attach a link to a site you can check for viewing times!! :)

Lunar eclipses don't need special filters or lens or safety like a solar eclipse, just go outside with a telescope, binoculars, or your own eyes!!!


Hope you all are having a good December! If you're in school and have finals like me, good luck and keep thinking sleep is on the way!! :)
For fun, here's a little bird vector sketch I made of a Painted Bunting this morning while I was waiting on a final!

♥ Sam